To run the QNN, they used traditional silicon fabrication techniques to build a 2-by-5-millimeter NISQ chip with more th…
Read >>Ni and his fellow researchers developed a new technology to break reciprocity not with a device that uses magnets but wi…
Read >>For the experiment, researchers directed light toward a pair of indirectly coupled resonators from the left (see illustr…
Read >>These focusing lenses are manufactured from N-BK7 glass and are mounted in an anodized aluminum housing for easy integra…
Read >>The key step forward was finding a way to get the qubits and the photon to speak the same language by tuning all three t…
Read >>The atomic clock design from Endres' group essentially combines the advantages of the two designs, reaping the benefits…
Read >>These chips are able to encode quantum information in light generated inside the circuits and can process the
Read >>Researchers from the UT now increased this number with more than a thousand letters. This increases the resistance again…
Read >>Research into topological photonic metamaterials headed by City College physicist Alexander B. Khanikaev reveals that lo…
Read >>A new design of optical chips enables light to experience multiple dimensions, which could underpin versatile platforms…
Read >>AUREA Technology offers well-designed, self-contained and easy-to-use optical building-blocks instruments dedicated to t…
Read >>The technique can produce many metalenses per chip, each made of millions of nanoscale elements with a single shot of ex…
Read >>Laser light of different frequencies is sent into the glass fiber, creating a light field around the waveguide that can…
Read >>The switch’s record-breaking performance is a major new step toward building a computer that uses light instead of elect…
Read >>The partnership, which is being carried out within EVG's NILPhotonics® Competence Center at its headquarters in St. Flor…
Read >>The experiment takes place in the optical frequency range and places high technical demands on the size of the cavity, w…
Read >>In order to develop an all-electrical, all-on-chip quantum photonic platform, Moody proposes to integrate three technolo…
Read >>The tractor beam is actually a highly focused laser that creates a type of optical trap, a Nobel Prize-winning method pi…
Read >>Because of the improvement of spatial resolution, the detection accuracy of the micro Nano electro-optical magnetic fiel…
Read >>These new quantum states of light based on the coherent superposition of photon-number states open exciting paths for de…
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