In general, the discovery enables almost ideal teleportation despite the presence of certain type of noise when using ph…
Read >>As the researchers report in the journal Nature Physics, they were able to couple two qubits and bring about a controlle…
Read >>This means that three-dimensional recording becomes possible by adjusting the laser power when writing. In addition
Read >>Quantum hardware researchers from Intel developed a 300-millimeter cryogenic probing process to collect high-volume data…
Read >>Quantum-centric supercomputing is IBM’s vision of the future for traditional HPC, where quantum computing will be an int…
Read >>The AccuFiz Duo dynamic interferometer uniquely combines the industry leading AccuFiz D short coherence capabilities wit…
Read >>When transferring information between two quantum computers over a distance – or among many in a quantum internet – the…
Read >>An international group of researchers has now succeeded in building a hybrid device consisting of a stable proximitized-…
Read >>Additional laser beams caused the energy levels of adjacent lattice sites to move up and down periodically, out-of-sync…
Read >>A research team consisting of Fraunhofer IOF and University of New Mexico researchers have studied the laser cooling of…
Read >>The chiral interface state is a conducting channel that allows electrons to travel in only one direction, preventing the…
Read >>The team set up a three-station quantum network in their laboratory, mimicking configurations one might find in a future…
Read >>The special feature of the QAHE is that it allows the quantum Hall effect to exist at zero magnetic field
Read >>This finding has important ramifications for the design of future quantum computers based on silicon qubits
Read >>This exciting milestone enables Coherent to increase production capacity and lower die costs for InP optoelectronic devi…
Read >>The quantum computing facilities in Innsbruck will be a core component of the hybrid project. Here, quantum operations a…
Read >>Unlike amplifiers, bolometers very subtly sense microwave photons emitted from the qubit via a minimally invasive detect…
Read >>Traditional theoretical quantum optical models of HHG described the modes of the resulting light beam as coherent states…
Read >>Using polariton particles instead of quantum dots, key materials of QLED televisions, offers a notable advantage. A sing…
Read >>This approach, combining intuition from meta-optics and a light computational backend, significantly improves performanc…
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