Aluminum nitride may be engineered to advance quantum computing

T he researchers found that by applying strain to aluminum nitride, one could create structural defects that may be harn…

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Seeing the quantum future… literally

What if you could see the future and stop your IT from breaking?

The physicists have taken a technical quantum leap in addressing this, using techniques from big data to predict how qua…

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II-VI Infrared Offers Multi-band Coated Optics for Hybrid Laser Processing Systems

II-VI’s anti-reflection and beam combining optics achieve very high transmission for a variety of dual or triple bands i…

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NIST Physicists ‘Squeeze’ Light to Cool Microscopic Drum Below Quantum Limit

The drumbeats generate light particles, or photons, which naturally match the higher resonance frequency of the cavity.…

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Airborne thermometer to measure Arctic temperatures

The experiment carried out by the scientists involved probing water with a pulsed laser and using a spectrometer to anal…

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Optimizing the Materials that Mediate Light-Light Interactions

Examples are two photons of the same frequency combining to create one at twice the frequency—known as second harmonic g…

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Telecommunications light amplifier could strengthen integrity of transmitted data

Besides having the potential to replace bulky, expensive amplifiers used today for the study of attosecond science and u…

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Researchers Create Practical and Versatile Microscopic Optomechancial Device

Trapping light and mechanical waves within a tiny bullseye, design could enable more sensitive motion detection

The researchers created a silicon disk 24 microns wide that confines the light and mechanical waves using separate mecha…

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Amplification of relativistic Electron Pulses by Direct Laser Field Acceleration

In experiments at the Max Born Institute, direct laser acceleration of electrons could now be demonstrated and understoo…

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Metals with more diverse colors

The researchers coated the semiconducting material with a thin layer of nanometer-thick semiconductor on the metal, resu…

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High Throughput Aspheric Lenses

Aspheric lenses provide a cost effective way of reducing the number of optical elements in a system. A correctly formed…

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Quantum simulation technique yields topological soliton state in SSH model

Using atomic quantum-simulation, an experimental technique involving finely tuned lasers and ultracold atoms about a bil…

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SLAC Study: Light Can Switch On Topological Materials

Computer Simulations Show How Light Pulses Can Create Channels that Conduct Electricity with No Resistance in Atomically Thin Semiconductors

Theoretical physicists at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory used computer simulations to s…

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UC Santa Cruz engineers work with Samsung on promising new memory technology

Innovations in "spintronics" have led some to predict the eventual emergence of a universal memory technology to replace all others

Measuring damping parameters in an array of nanomagnets is extremely challenging, but Schmidt's lab is able to do this u…

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Synopsys Releases Version 2016.12 of the RSoft Photonic System Design Suite

Latest Release Speeds Simulation of Long-Haul Optical Transmission Systems and Photonic Integrated Circuits

Version 2016.12 of the RSoft Photonic System Design Suite includes important enhancements to its optical fiber and PIC s…

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II-VI Infrared Offers Precision Polygon Scanner Mirrors

II-VI Infrared’s polygon scanner mirrors address the facet geometry, flatness and roughness requirements for next genera…

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Vuzix Exhibits Award-Winning Blade 3000 Smart Glasses at CES 2017

The Vuzix Blade 3000 Smart Sunglasses is completely untethered and supports both wireless Wi-Fi and Bluetooth interfaces…

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Changhong H2, World’s First Molecular Identification and Sensing Smartphone with a Miniaturized, Integrated Material Sensor, Unveiled at CES

Changhong, Analog Devices, and Consumer Physics Collaborate to Revolutionize Mobile Phones; Eat Healthier, Live Better, and Explore More with SCiO Material Sensing Technology in your Phone

Changhong H2, with the integrated, miniaturized near-infrared spectrometer, marks a huge step forward for connected devi…

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Industry Leader ODG Introduces R-8 and R-9 Smartglasses at CES 2017®

Supported by Major Brands and Powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Processor

Vuforia also addresses some of the unique technology challenges of smartglasses by providing systemwide optimizations fo…

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Germanium’s semiconducting and optical properties probed under pressure

The team was able to quantify ST12’s optical band gap--where visible light energy can be absorbed by the material—as wel…

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