T he researchers found that by applying strain to aluminum nitride, one could create structural defects that may be harn…
Read >>The physicists have taken a technical quantum leap in addressing this, using techniques from big data to predict how qua…
Read >>II-VI’s anti-reflection and beam combining optics achieve very high transmission for a variety of dual or triple bands i…
Read >>The drumbeats generate light particles, or photons, which naturally match the higher resonance frequency of the cavity.…
Read >>The experiment carried out by the scientists involved probing water with a pulsed laser and using a spectrometer to anal…
Read >>Examples are two photons of the same frequency combining to create one at twice the frequency—known as second harmonic g…
Read >>Besides having the potential to replace bulky, expensive amplifiers used today for the study of attosecond science and u…
Read >>The researchers created a silicon disk 24 microns wide that confines the light and mechanical waves using separate mecha…
Read >>In experiments at the Max Born Institute, direct laser acceleration of electrons could now be demonstrated and understoo…
Read >>The researchers coated the semiconducting material with a thin layer of nanometer-thick semiconductor on the metal, resu…
Read >>Aspheric lenses provide a cost effective way of reducing the number of optical elements in a system. A correctly formed…
Read >>Using atomic quantum-simulation, an experimental technique involving finely tuned lasers and ultracold atoms about a bil…
Read >>Theoretical physicists at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory used computer simulations to s…
Read >>Measuring damping parameters in an array of nanomagnets is extremely challenging, but Schmidt's lab is able to do this u…
Read >>Version 2016.12 of the RSoft Photonic System Design Suite includes important enhancements to its optical fiber and PIC s…
Read >>II-VI Infrared’s polygon scanner mirrors address the facet geometry, flatness and roughness requirements for next genera…
Read >>The Vuzix Blade 3000 Smart Sunglasses is completely untethered and supports both wireless Wi-Fi and Bluetooth interfaces…
Read >>Changhong H2, with the integrated, miniaturized near-infrared spectrometer, marks a huge step forward for connected devi…
Read >>Vuforia also addresses some of the unique technology challenges of smartglasses by providing systemwide optimizations fo…
Read >>The team was able to quantify ST12’s optical band gap--where visible light energy can be absorbed by the material—as wel…
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