The invention can be used to connect these processors with optical wires that will transmit data between processers thou…
Read >>The team led by electrical and computer engineering associate professor Rajesh Menon has discovered a way to create inex…
Read >>The prisms are manufactured using an N-BK7 substrate and feature a high precision 40-20 surface quality
Read >>In each lab, a single rubidium atom is caught in an optical trap and excited to emit a single photon. That way, the spin…
Read >>An exotic interaction between light and metal can be harnessed to make chemical reactions more sustainable, but the phys…
Read >>When it comes to optical fiber applications, preserving the properties of light is crucial. There are two principal para…
Read >>Quantum dots are able to emit individual light particles (photons) after excitation, which can then be detected using a…
Read >>A team of engineers at Caltech has discovered how to use computer-chip manufacturing technologies to create the kind of…
Read >>This model system consists of laser-cooled ions, which arrange themselves in so-called Coulomb crystals. With these, the…
Read >>Writing in Physical Review X on 11 July, researchers in Singapore and Australia propose a way you could use a quantum co…
Read >>With a single species, manipulating the communication ion with a laser could easily corrupt the storage ion. In several…
Read >>The results are of fundamental relevance to understanding the interactions between light and matter and will make it pos…
Read >>The technology developed in this project demonstrated that satellite quantum communication can be implemented by using l…
Read >>A scientist's dream of 3-D projections like those he saw years ago in a Star Wars movie has led to new technology for ma…
Read >>A document examined will be put into a movable machine and shined on with the proper color light from the proper directi…
Read >>Now, in a nanoscale photodetector that combines a unique fabrication method and light-trapping structures, a team of eng…
Read >>By shooting fast electrical pulses of voltage through them, the scientists were able to move single electrons in and out…
Read >>AMOLF researchers have developed nanoscale strings whose motion can be converted to light signals with unprecedented str…
Read >>For the first time, the team will be showcasing this new technology via a smartphone app which can read whether a produc…
Read >>The scientists found H3+ when they used a strong-field laser to initiate a reaction and a second femtosecond laser to pr…
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