Nano device promises ultra-fast graphics on gaming consoles

The invention can be used to connect these processors with optical wires that will transmit data between processers thou…

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The team led by electrical and computer engineering associate professor Rajesh Menon has discovered a way to create inex…

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TECHSPEC® BBAR Coated Hypotenuse Right Angle Prisms feature tight angular tolerances

Prisms offer a wide wavelength range from 350 - 2.200 nm

The prisms are manufactured using an N-BK7 substrate and feature a high precision 40-20 surface quality

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New experiment proves violation of Bell’s inequality

Team of LMU/MPQ-scientists closes last “loopholes” for advocates of “local realism”

In each lab, a single rubidium atom is caught in an optical trap and excited to emit a single photon. That way, the spin…

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Harnessing light to drive chemical reactions

An exotic interaction between light and metal can be harnessed to make chemical reactions more sustainable, but the phys…

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Researchers develop a novel type of optical fiber that preserves the properties of light

When it comes to optical fiber applications, preserving the properties of light is crucial. There are two principal para…

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Coupling a Nano-trumpet With a Quantum Dot Enables Precise Position Determination

Quantum dots are able to emit individual light particles (photons) after excitation, which can then be detected using a…

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Computer Chip Technology Repurposed for Making Reflective Nanostructures

Applied Physicist Andrei Faraon Focuses his Metamaterials Research in a New Direction

A team of engineers at Caltech has discovered how to use computer-chip manufacturing technologies to create the kind of…

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Laser-cooled ions contribute to better understanding of friction

Physics supports biology: Researchers from PTB have developed a model system to investigate friction phenomena with atomic precision

This model system consists of laser-cooled ions, which arrange themselves in so-called Coulomb crystals. With these, the…

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Why you might trust a quantum computer with secrets -- even over the Internet

Researchers in Singapore and Australia suggest you could operate a quantum computer in the cloud without revealing your data or the program you're running

Writing in Physical Review X on 11 July, researchers in Singapore and Australia propose a way you could use a quantum co…

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Atomic cousins team up in early quantum networking node

Researchers use different ion species for storage and communication

With a single species, manipulating the communication ion with a laser could easily corrupt the storage ion. In several…

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The wave nature of light in super-slow motion

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (FSU) achieve high-precision measurement of the wave characteristics of focused, ultra-short light pulses

The results are of fundamental relevance to understanding the interactions between light and matter and will make it pos…

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World's First Demonstration of Space Quantum Communication Using a Microsatellite

A big step toward building a truly-secure global communication network

The technology developed in this project demonstrated that satellite quantum communication can be implemented by using l…

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Better than Star Wars: Chemistry discovery yields 3-D table-top objects crafted from light

Photoswitch chemistry allows construction of light shapes into structures that have volume and are viewable from 360 degrees, making them useful for biomedical imaging, teaching, engineering, TV, movies, video games and more

A scientist's dream of 3-D projections like those he saw years ago in a Star Wars movie has led to new technology for ma…

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OPTAGLIO prepares technology for machine reading of holograms

A document examined will be put into a movable machine and shined on with the proper color light from the proper directi…

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Thin photodetector could increase performance without adding bulk

Now, in a nanoscale photodetector that combines a unique fabrication method and light-trapping structures, a team of eng…

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Technique for measuring and controlling electron state is a breakthrough in quantum computing

UCLA physicists devise new approach to manipulate silicon ‘qubits’

By shooting fast electrical pulses of voltage through them, the scientists were able to move single electrons in and out…

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Nanoscale motion sends light into overdrive

Researchers demonstrate record strong conversion of motion into light

AMOLF researchers have developed nanoscale strings whose motion can be converted to light signals with unprecedented str…

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A future without fakes thanks to quantum technology

First demo of patented technology smartphone app at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition aims to eliminate counterfeiting

For the first time, the team will be showcasing this new technology via a smartphone app which can read whether a produc…

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Recreating interstellar ions with lasers

The scientists found H3+ when they used a strong-field laser to initiate a reaction and a second femtosecond laser to pr…

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