Three's a Charm: NIST Detectors Reveal Entangled Photon Triplets

Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada have directly entangled three photons in the most technologically us…

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Physical constant is constant even in strong gravitational fields

The idea that the laws of physics and its fundamental constants do not depend on local circumstances is called the equiv…

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Toward optical chips

A promising light source for optoelectronic chips can be tuned to different frequencies.

Chips that use light, rather than electricity, to move data would consume much less power — and energy efficiency is a g…

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Twisted graphene chills out

When two sheets of graphene are stacked in a special way, it is possible to cool down the graphene with a laser instead of heating it up, University of Manchester researchers have shown.

Researchers have shown how laser light interacts with a special kind of graphene to cool it down. This would make it pos…

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UCI team is first to capture motion of single molecule in real time

Chemists further discover that it’s oscillating from one quantum state to another

This could lead to a wide variety of important applications, including lightning-fast quantum computers and uncrackable…

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For electronics beyond silicon, a new contender emerges

New transistor achieves ‘colossal’ switchable resistance using quantum materials and physics developed in a fuel cell lab

Silicon has few serious competitors as the material of choice in the electronics industry. Yet transistors, the switchab…

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‘Squid skin’ metamaterials project yields vivid color display

Rice lab creates RGB color display technology with aluminum nanorods

The new full-color display technology uses aluminum nanoparticles to create the vivid red, blue and green hues found in

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Structured light make circular holes distinguish between left and right

A group of researchers at Macquarie University has shown that circular dichroism – a differential absorption of the circ…

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The sound of an atom has been captured

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology are first to show the use of sound to communicate with an artificial at…

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Molding the diffusion of light by engineering disorder

How would the appearance of a cloud change if one were to put some order into the position of water droplets

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Research published in the journal Nature Communications uncovers a new method to detect Majorana particles, a key element for a next-generation quantum computing platform.

Quantum computing relies on the laws of quantum mechanics to process vast amounts of information and calculations simult…

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Light detector to revolutionise night vision technology

Researchers have developed a light detector that could revolutionise chemical sensing and night vision technology.

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Nanophase Opens New Polishing Applications Support Laboratory

Nanophase Technologies Corporation announced today the opening of a new polishing laboratory that will enable new produc…

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A low-energy optical circuit for a new era of technology

Optical circuits use light instead of electricity, making them faster and more energy-efficient than electrical systems.…

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Quantum physics enables revolutionary imaging method

Researchers have developed a fundamentally new quantum imaging technique with strikingly counterintuitive features. For…

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Single Laser Stops Molecular Tumbling Motion Instantly

Quantum control of molecules could lead to extremely fast computers

In the quantum world, making the simple atom behave is one thing, but making the more complex molecule behave is another…

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AMO demonstrates ultrafast Graphene based photodetectors with data rates up to 50 GBit/s

In cooperation with Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs researcher from AMO realized the worldwide fastest Graphene based photodete…

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Researchers send electricity, light along same super-thin wire

A new combination of materials can efficiently guide electricity and light along the same tiny wire, a finding that coul…

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LUXeXceL’s 3D Printed Optics are now also available for outdoor applications

From applications in the solar market to the outdoor lighting market, all becomes possible with the new outdoor finishing for 3D printed optics from Luxexcel.

From applications in the solar market to the outdoor lighting market, all becomes possible with the new outdoor finishin…

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Progress in Quantum Nonlinear Optics

Controllable photon-photon interactions to enable unique applications

Scientists have known for over half a century that light fields can interact inside nonlinear optical media, but the non…

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