Astronomy & Space


Astronomers amazed by black hole discovery

The study involved analysing and cataloguing 1.4 million stars in the cluster, which were then compared against theoreti…

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Gaia spots a large dormant black hole in our Galaxy

A high-mass stellar black hole has been discovered in preliminary data from the Gaia satellite by an international team led by UNIGE astronomers.

The Gaia mission has been set up to measure the distance to more than two billion stars by

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Wind from black holes may influence development of surrounding galaxies

Researchers used more than eight years of observations of a quasar called

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A Planet Hotter Than Most Stars

In an article in this week’s issue of Nature, an international research team led by astronomers at Ohio State University…

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Astronomers find black hole in Sagittarius constellation

The black hole is located approximately 26,000 light years, or 7.9 Kiloparsecs, from Earth in a globular cluster called,…

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Starquakes reveal surprises about birth of stars in our galaxy

A study of the internal sound waves created by starquakes, which make stars ring like a bell, has provided unprecedented insights into conditions in the turbulent gas clouds where stars were born 8 billion years ago.

A study of the internal sound waves created by starquakes, which make stars ring like a bell, has provided unprecedented…

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Temperature Swings of Black Hole Winds Measured for First Time

Rapidly varying temperatures have been measured on the ultrafast streams of gas emanating from around a black hole.

To measure the temperatures of these winds, the team studied X-rays coming from the edge of the black hole. As they trav…

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Astronomers find evidence of 'missing link' black hole

An international team of astronomers today announced new evidence for the existence of a middleweight black hole in spac…

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Liquid light could reveal secrets of ‘super radiant’ black holes

Black hole superradiance is the scattering of waves from a rotating black hole. If light or gravitational waves hit a ro…

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Newly formed stars shoot out powerful whirlwinds

A new solar system is formed in a large cloud of gas and dust that contracts and condenses due to the force of gravity a…

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Cosmic ‘barcode’ from distant galaxy confirms Nature’s constancy

Astronomers have confirmed that electromagnetism in a distant galaxy has the same strength as here on Earth with the hig…

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Theory that challenges Einstein's physics could soon be put to the test

Scientists behind a theory that the speed of light is variable - and not constant as Einstein suggested - have made a pr…

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Cosmic Horseshoe Is Not a Lucky Beacon

A UC Riverside-led team of astronomers uses observations of a gravitationally lensed galaxy to measure the properties of the early universe

It is difficult to understand the properties of the early universe in large part because this was more than 12 billion y…

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Distant galaxies glow bright in oxygen

In the study, astronomers have used a sample of emission-line selected galaxies from the High-z Emission-Line Survey to…

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Who stole all the stars?

Astronomers confirm remarkable size of the largest known depleted galaxy core, but evidence suggests it did not form in…

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Our galaxy’s most-mysterious star is even stranger than astronomers thought

A star known by the unassuming name of KIC 8462852 in the constellation Cygnus has been raising eyebrows both in and out…

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Earth-Mass Planet Right Next Door

Weizmann Institute of Science researcher is a part of the team that discovered a planet with an Earth-like mass orbiting in the habitable zone of our nearest stellar neighbor

An international team announced today that a planet with a mass similar to that of Earth has been observed orbiting the…

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Scientists spot two galaxies moving into the Milky Way from the cosmic countryside

Researchers have found two, faint dwarf galaxies that traveled from the remote hinterlands of space to the brighter ligh…

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Can the origin of the first gravitational waves detected be traced back to primordial black holes?

New theory proposes scenario for the origin of the universe

A team of researchers from the University of Tokyo and their collaborators have put forward a novel scenario proposing t…

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Another Earth? Kepler astronomers pinpoint likeliest candidates

Kepler researchers list exoplanets with the most potential to have liquid water, or even life

Looking for another Earth? An international team of researchers has pinpointed which of the more than 4,000 exoplanets d…

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