The feat could alleviate some of the challenges in operating tens of millions of quantum computing units in just a few s…
Read >>The researchers have advanced quantum repeater capacities in their latest experimentation. They built and characterized…
Read >>This discovery began with a chance observation made during a different project while using a nearfield optical microscop…
Read >>Qualifire joins an extensive array of top-end interferometer solutions. This instrument is designed to
Read >>The process developed by the Technion researchers provides real-time images and video recordings of the light inside the…
Read >>These findings offer practical solutions such as more efficient light-based devices for faster and more compact data sto…
Read >>The new Advantage2 prototype features 1,200+ qubits and 10,000+ couplers, double the number of qubits and couplers over…
Read >>The researchers formed dissipative Kerr solitons inside a photonic microresonator, a tiny chip that
Read >>Professor Malik and his team conducted their research using commercial optical fibres that are widely used around the wo…
Read >>In the current experiment, storage was demonstrated using strongly attenuated laser pulses, but in
Read >>In an article published in the journal Nature, the researchers describe a new way to use the devices to make precision m…
Read >>This device, fabricated on a silicon wafer, takes input laser light of one frequency and converts it into
Read >>What differentiates the CCNY optical storage approach from others is that it circumvents the diffraction limit by exploi…
Read >>Using a visible laser pulse to trigger the switch, they sent a strong electrical current pulse lasting just one picoseco…
Read >>Cardenas strives to implement weak value amplification on a tiny photonic chip with a high-quality factor ring resonator
Read >>Reporting in the journal Nature, a group of researchers led by Caltech is among the first to demonstrate a type of quant…
Read >>In a groundbreaking contribution, researchers have discovered that a new photonic structure can explain the phenomenon o…
Read >>Their outstanding result was made possible by using two additional photons in tandem with the entangled photon pair. It…
Read >>In a paper published in August in the journal Nanophotonics, Kolkowski simulated a metasurface made of an array of loss-…
Read >>That observation led to the surprising discovery of a quantitative relationship between wave optics and particle mechani…
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