Quadruple quantum: engineers perform four quantum control methods in just one atom

UNSW researchers have demonstrated multiple ways to write quantum information in silicon for more flexible quantum chips design.

The feat could alleviate some of the challenges in operating tens of millions of quantum computing units in just a few s…

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Research Team Takes a Fundamental Step Toward a Functioning Quantum Internet

The researchers have advanced quantum repeater capacities in their latest experimentation. They built and characterized…

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Breaking boundaries in quantum photonics: Groundbreaking nanocavities unlock new frontiers in light confinement

Dr. Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, from Bar-Ilan University: “What started as a chance discovery, may well open the way to new quantum applications, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible.”

This discovery began with a chance observation made during a different project while using a nearfield optical microscop…

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Zygo Announces Launch of New Qualifire™ Laser Interferometer

Qualifire joins an extensive array of top-end interferometer solutions. This instrument is designed to

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How does light propagate in integrated circuits on chips?

Researchers at the Technion are answering this question and paving the way to new applications in communication, imaging, and quantum computing

The process developed by the Technion researchers provides real-time images and video recordings of the light inside the…

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Recovering Lossless Propagation: HKU Physicists Overcoming Optical Loss in Polariton System with Synthetic Complex Frequency Waves

These findings offer practical solutions such as more efficient light-based devices for faster and more compact data sto…

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Bridging light and electrons

The researchers formed dissipative Kerr solitons inside a photonic microresonator, a tiny chip that

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Heriot-Watt scientists compute with light inside hair-thin optical fibre

Professor Malik and his team conducted their research using commercial optical fibres that are widely used around the wo…

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Mass-producible miniature quantum memory

In the current experiment, storage was demonstrated using strongly attenuated laser pulses, but in

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Light Synchronization Technique Heralds a Bright New Chapter for Small Atomic Clocks

In an article published in the journal Nature, the researchers describe a new way to use the devices to make precision m…

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Conjoined "Racetracks" Make New Optical Device Possible

This device, fabricated on a silicon wafer, takes input laser light of one frequency and converts it into

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CCNY researchers publish optical data storage breakthrough in Nature Nanotechnology

What differentiates the CCNY optical storage approach from others is that it circumvents the diffraction limit by exploi…

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Photo-induced superconductivity on a chip

Using a visible laser pulse to trigger the switch, they sent a strong electrical current pulse lasting just one picoseco…

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Photonic chips could give drones a lift when GPS is unavailable

Rochester researchers aim to leverage the quantum technique of weak value amplification to replace the gyroscopes in drones.

Cardenas strives to implement weak value amplification on a tiny photonic chip with a high-quality factor ring resonator

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A New Way to Erase Quantum Computer Errors

Researchers have made the first demonstrations of identifying and removing "erasure" errors

Reporting in the journal Nature, a group of researchers led by Caltech is among the first to demonstrate a type of quant…

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Advancements in Topological Photonics: Unveiling Fermi Arc Reconstruction through Innovative Photonic Structures

A new framework allows the experimental realization of topological phases in higher dimensions

In a groundbreaking contribution, researchers have discovered that a new photonic structure can explain the phenomenon o…

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A linear path to efficient quantum technologies

Their outstanding result was made possible by using two additional photons in tandem with the entangled photon pair. It…

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New loss mitigation technique paves the way for perfect optical resonators

Aalto researchers demonstrate how to create high-quality resonators using optically absorbing materials

In a paper published in August in the journal Nanophotonics, Kolkowski simulated a metasurface made of an array of loss-…

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Optics Research Shines a Surprising New Light on Classical Physics

Researcher Xiaofeng Qian establishes the first quantitative relationship between mechanics and optics, with the potential to advance quantum studies

That observation led to the surprising discovery of a quantitative relationship between wave optics and particle mechani…

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