Quantum Physics and Quantum Computing


Quantum Annealer Improves Understanding of Quantum Many-Body Systems

They used a quantum annealer to model a real-life quantum material and showed that the quantum annealer can directly mir…

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Understanding quantum states: New FAMU-FSU research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits

A crucial part of that optimization is creating qubits that are smooth through most of the solid neon surface but

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Breakthrough Research Uncovers Hidden Phenomena in Ultra-Clean Quantum Materials

By employing an innovative thin film growth technique that combines the advantages of

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An alternative way to manipulate quantum states

The ETH researchers demonstrated that it is also possible to create quantum mechanical superposition states of the

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Scientists at uOttawa develop innovative method to validate quantum photonics circuits performance

This breakthrough has the potential to significantly advance the field of quantum computing.

To validate their technique, the researchers conducted a photonic experiment using optical polarisation to encode a qubi…

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Discovery of One-Dimensional Topological Insulator for Qubits and More!

TIs boast an interior that behaves as an electrical insulator, meaning electrons

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There are 6 articles in Quantum Physics and Quantum Computing
Quantum Physics and Quantum Computing Archive