In their paper now published in Science Advances, an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Aalto University show how…
Read >>In a crystal, such as a diamond, qubits could theoretically be transferred from photons to electrons, which are easier t…
Read >>To make qubits for quantum computers less susceptible to noise, the spin of an electron or some other particle is prefer…
Read >>Using a principle called wave-particle duality, the team constructed artificial emitters that spontaneously decay by emi…
Read >>The physicists are now in the process of building ytterbium-based quantum memories that can be used to quickly make tran…
Read >>The device emits light by a quantum mechanical phenomenon known as inelastic electron tunneling. In this process, electr…
Read >>In a new publication in Physical Review Letters, researchers from Delft University of Technology introduce a novel state…
Read >>The novel device constitutes an optic isolator – it transmits light approaching from the left and turns off light coming…
Read >>The demonstrated hybrid FinFET-Silicon Photonics platform integrates high-performance 14nm FinFET CMOS circuits with ime…
Read >>Applying their newly developed technique to photons entangled in their spatial structure, the group was able to conclude…
Read >>By patterning a microwave antenna above the qubits with precision alignment, the qubits were exposed to frequencies of a…
Read >>The D-Wave system is capable of programming the individual interactions between spins, whereas prior work with other qua…
Read >>The new device will give scientists an unprecedented ability to fine tune even the quickest pulses of light for a host o…
Read >>The paper reports how a metamaterial made up of an array of nanocylinders mixed two laser pulses of near infrared light…
Read >>At the Optatec trade show in Frankfurt and for the first time ever in Europe, TRIOPTICS pre-sented robot-based automatio…
Read >>The technique is straightforward enough that, with the equations the team developed, researchers should now be able to c…
Read >>Researchers have demonstrated the first single-photon transistor using a semiconductor chip. The device is able to proce…
Read >>The realization of such all-optical single-photon devices will be a large step towards deterministic multi-mode entangle…
Read >>To produce a BIC, a sample is needed with two optical channels that scatter incoming laser light. The sample produced at…
Read >>Holleitner and his colleagues made yet another amazing discovery: Both the electrical and the terahertz pulses were non-…
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