Researchers derive a new many body model describing the physics of two species of neutral ultra-cold fermions loaded ont…
Read >>Leiden physicists use a new method to measure so-called surface plasmons. Researching these particles could lead to new…
Read >>The researchers' experimental setup consisted of an X-ray source, a single phase grating, and a GOTTHARD microstrip dete…
Read >>This spin, which can point up, down or anywhere in between, and the ion can absorb and emit photons from a laser, changi…
Read >>Australian researchers at the University of Adelaide have developed a method for embedding light-emitting nanoparticles…
Read >>DLC coatings are the toughest coatings available today, and used by many of the top
Read >>Researchers have created a new optical lens that is flat, rather than curved like traditional glass lenses. The unique o…
Read >>Australian quantum researchers have been able to identify the exact location of a single atom in a silicon crystal – an…
Read >>A natural example of a photonic crystal is the opal, whose fascinating coloration is due to the way the light interacts…
Read >>Sound waves with a frequency of 400 GHz are generated and detected with short optical pulses from a laser. The sound is…
Read >>The interaction of spin impurities with bosonic reservoirs lies at the heart of very paradigmatic models in Quantum Opti…
Read >>The team’s device, dubbed SPEQS, creates and measures pairs of light particles, called photons. Results from space show…
Read >>Researchers from Harvard have demonstrated the first planar lens that works with high efficiency within the visible spec…
Read >>Researchers have now developed a mobile MEMS-scanning grating-spectrometer in a sugar-cube format to assist in the exami…
Read >>The successful Sandia first step, reported in Applied Physics Letters, makes use of electromagnetic forces provided by a…
Read >>A research team from Adelphi University, Garden City, New York, USA, has now developed a new device that can detect ultr…
Read >>Physicists of the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Ludwig-Maximil…
Read >>The work is relevant to applications in lighting, nano-sensing, photosynthesis, photovoltaics, and quantum information p…
Read >>The simulation can help researchers understand how internal waves can carry materials over long distances
Read >>By adjusting the power of the lasers and an applied magnetic field, the researchers traced out different paths through t…
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