Ultra-cold gases in optical lattices in PRL

Connections between superconducting correlations and string order for exploration in ultra-cold gas experiments.

Researchers derive a new many body model describing the physics of two species of neutral ultra-cold fermions loaded ont…

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Surface Plasmons Measured for Faster Internet

Leiden physicists use a new method to measure so-called surface plasmons. Researching these particles could lead to new…

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Laboratory breakthrough may lead to improved X-ray spectrometers

Swiss researchers improve an interferometry technique by utilizing the interference fringe, an aspect previously viewed as a nuisance

The researchers' experimental setup consisted of an X-ray source, a single phase grating, and a GOTTHARD microstrip dete…

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Disorder grants a memory to quantum spins

This spin, which can point up, down or anywhere in between, and the ion can absorb and emit photons from a laser, changi…

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Glass now has smart potential

Australian researchers at the University of Adelaide have developed a method for embedding light-emitting nanoparticles…

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ISP Optics Expanded Its DLC Coated Windows Product Line

DLC coatings are the toughest coatings available today, and used by many of the top

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Flat Lens Could Create New Opportunities in Electronics, Telecommunications and Microscopy

Unique lens has a large field of view and short working distance; could enable very small optical devices

Researchers have created a new optical lens that is flat, rather than curved like traditional glass lenses. The unique o…

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World-first approach to help design more accurate quantum computing architecture

Australian quantum researchers have been able to identify the exact location of a single atom in a silicon crystal – an…

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Growing perfect crystals by filling the gaps

Physicists develop new method of crystal production

A natural example of a photonic crystal is the opal, whose fascinating coloration is due to the way the light interacts…

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Amplification of Sound Waves at Extreme Frequencies

Sound waves with a frequency of 400 GHz are generated and detected with short optical pulses from a laser. The sound is…

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One impurity to bind them all

MPQ researchers show that a single atomic impurity is able to trap infinitely many bosons around it.

The interaction of spin impurities with bosonic reservoirs lies at the heart of very paradigmatic models in Quantum Opti…

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Quantum satellite device tests technology for global quantum network

Singapore-built satellite makes and measures light particles pair by pair

The team’s device, dubbed SPEQS, creates and measures pairs of light particles, called photons. Results from space show…

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Metalens works in the visible spectrum, sees smaller than a wavelength of light

High efficiency ultra-thin planar lens could replace heavy, bulky lenses in smart phones, cameras and telescopes

Researchers from Harvard have demonstrated the first planar lens that works with high efficiency within the visible spec…

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Spectrometers to become common-place through MEMS technology

Researchers have now developed a mobile MEMS-scanning grating-spectrometer in a sugar-cube format to assist in the exami…

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Precise atom implants in silicon provide a first step toward practical quantum computers

The successful Sandia first step, reported in Applied Physics Letters, makes use of electromagnetic forces provided by a…

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Ultra-Sensitive, Vibration-Tolerant Gas Sensor Makes Field Applications More Practical

Device could monitor pollution from power plants and roads and test for explosives at airports

A research team from Adelphi University, Garden City, New York, USA, has now developed a new device that can detect ultr…

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Attosecond camera for nanostructures

Physicists of the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Ludwig-Maximil…

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New theory on how to control energy transfer between molecules

An analogy between science and a romantic dinner

The work is relevant to applications in lighting, nano-sensing, photosynthesis, photovoltaics, and quantum information p…

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The simulation can help researchers understand how internal waves can carry materials over long distances

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Quantum cycles power cold-atom pump

By adjusting the power of the lasers and an applied magnetic field, the researchers traced out different paths through t…

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