ORS-Mini: ultrastable laser with 2 Hz linewidth as optical reference in field applications

The cubic cavity design provides the lowest vibration sensitivity reported to date and enables a rigid cavity mounting,…

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Tiny Lasers Acting Together as One: Topological Vertical Cavity Laser Arrays

International research team uses topological platform to demonstrate coherent array of vertical lasers

For years, scientists have sought to enhance the power emitted by such devices through combining many tiny VCSELs and fo…

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New desktop lasers for laboratory and science

With the new “LaserNest” desktop lasers, laser- and LED specialist Omicron provides higher flexibility and usability of diode lasers within laboratories.

The innovative high-performance systems are equipped with one laser module with wavelengths from the UV to the near IR r…

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Quantum Laser Turns Energy Loss into Gain

A new laser that generates quantum particles can recycle lost energy for highly efficient, low threshold laser applications

The system design leads to the generation of a polariton laser at room temperature, which is exciting because this usual…

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Make every photon count with TOPTICA isolators

TOPTICA’s isolators are designed to handle 40 W of optical power and a maximum intensity of

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A Laser Breakthrough

The first commercially scalable integrated laser and microcomb on a single chip

This research enables semiconductor lasers to be seamlessly integrated with low-loss nonlinear optical micro-resonators

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3D-Micromac eliminates critical process bottlenecks to microLED Display manufacturing with new Laser micromachining platform

microCETI™ supports all laser processes in microLED display manufacturing with up to several orders of magnitude higher transfer rates; multiple system orders already received

The microCETI platform features a high-precision UV-wavelength laser with high repetition rate and an advanced positioni…

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Affordable High Performance Beam Expander

A1-Series Reflective beam expanders incorporate high precision off-axis mirrors which have constant focal lengths, regar…

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First 3D Dynamic Beam Laser cutting and welding machine

This project and strategic collaboration is funded by the Israeli Innovation Authority and the

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The first coherent topological polariton laser

A new methodology to combine light-matter coupling and geometry to achieve a high-performance light source

In this work, the researchers built a semiconductor microcavity based on the etch-and-overgrowth process. This platform…

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Empowering Xpeng P5: Livox Officially Releases HAP Lidar

Today, Livox officially releases another blockbuster product to the automobile mass production market, Livox’s first automotive-grade lidar HAP.

Through a cleverly designed rotating-mirror technology, Livox developed and applied a brand-new

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Homing in on the smallest possible laser

As the team reports in the scientific journal Nature Materials, this process produces light similar to that generated by…

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Smart Scanning for Laser Marking Projects

SCANLAB expands the successful SCANcube product family

The system linearity, which has been improved by 30 percent compared to its predecessor the SCANcube III, makes calibrat…

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Lasing below 170 nm with optics from LZH

The highly reflective mirrors are the limiting component when it comes to achieving even shorter wavelengths with laser…

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MKS Triples Pulse Energy of Ultra-Compact UV Nanosecond Lasers

World’s Smallest >200 µJ Actively Q-Switched UV Laser. Ideal for Industrial Manufacturing

The new laser utilizes an It’s in the Box™ design, incorporating electronics and laser cavity into a single lightweight…

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Successful combination: New 785 nm DFB laser in compact TO-5 package

TOPTICA eagleyard presents a new chip generation in small TO-5 package with high performance and excellent signal-to-noise ratio

The DFB laser diode delivers 100 mW output power. It provides excellent spectral stability and narrow linewidth in a new…

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II-VI Incorporated Introduces 1060 nm Seed Laser in Miniature Package for Fiber Lasers in Materials Processing

II-VI’s new seed laser, which emits a broadband spectrum of more than 10 nm at 1060 nm, is now available in a 3-pin mini…

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New world record for CLF’s DiPOLE laser technology

The energy increase was made possible using new optical materials and coatings, developed as part of the

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Analog Modules, Inc. announces the release of its Picosecond Pulsed Laser Diode Driver

AMI’s Model 767 Picosecond Pulsed Laser Diode Driver is ideal for applications that require pulse widths less than 1 ns.…

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