Physicists devise a way to turn cheap diode lasers into single-frequency ones suitable for portable chemical analyzers and other applications

The researchers found a simple and elegant solution to the problem. To make laser light more monochromatic, they used th…

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High-power high-repetition-rate laser system is now available in tabletop size

It will increase laser processing productivity and open up new applications.

This new power laser system improves production efficiency in laser machining processes such as laser cleaning for remov…

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II-VI Incorporated Unveils 12 kW Laser Cutting Head with Extended Materials Processing Capabilities

II-VI’s new BIMO-FSC features an entirely redesigned zoom optics system capable of independently adjusting the focal dia…

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MVsquare Line Laser Module

­Modules can now be supplied with separated optics and electronics sections, custom built to fit into

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Harnessing randomness to develop low-cost lasers

For the first time in the world, researchers were able to control the direction of a laser’s output beam by applying ext…

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Columbia Engineers Build Smallest Integrated Kerr Frequency Comb Generator

All of the optics fit in a millimeter-scale area and the researchers say that their novel device is so efficient that ev…

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ITMO University Scientists Develop Laser for High-Precision Satellite Navigation

Scientists from ITMO University’s Research Institute of Laser Physics have developed a laser capable of measuring the di…

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Introducing the ‘Smart Mirror’

New chip-sized device could help manufacturers measure laser power in real time.

By shining a laser beam on a reflective surface, and then measuring how much the surface moves in response to light’s pr…

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Building miniature lasers using nanowire

By using a pump laser to transmit energy to the nanowires, electrons are released from the electron cloud surrounding th…

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The cure for chaotic lasers? More chaos, of course

Stefan Bittner, a Yale associate research scientist and the first author of the study, said the simplicity and robustnes…

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Laser welding in XXL

Enlarged version of TruLaser Weld 5000 // Automatic laser welding of components up to four meters in length // New developments in optics and programming

In addition to the larger format, there are also new developments in the optics of the TruLaser Weld 5000: a built-in se…

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Fraunhofer Develops New Generation of Lasers

With the development of high-efficiency, high-performance pump diodes, new laser media could be used, in particular ytte…

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Vibrations at an exceptional point

New laser uses light to create sound

They developed a lasing system already adept at producing tiny light packets called photons into a tunable system that a…

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Materials processing tricks enable engineers to create new laser material

Alumina crystals, a type of host material for light-emitting ions, can yield lasers with ultra-short pulses. Alumina cry…

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The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the highest energy NIF can safely deliver with its current optics and…

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Probing nobelium with laser light

Laser spectroscopy measurements reveal size and shape of the nucleus of element 102

From the measurements of the excitation frequency for the individual isotopes, the shift in color of the required laser…

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Hamamatsu Photonics has developed compact laser diode modules that emit a uniform high-intensity beam capable of pumping high-power industrial pulsed solid-state lasers.

These new laser diode modules will vastly improve production efficiency during laser machining and processing.

Hamamatsu Photonics has developed compact laser diode modules that emit a uniform highintensity beam capable of pumping…

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3D-Micromac introduces selective Laser Annealing System for semiconductor, power device and MEMS manufacturing

microPRO™ RTP leverages state-of-the-art optics, line scan and step-and-repeat spot options, and multiple wavelengths to provide highly versatile laser platform

The microPRO RTP features a line scan option for vertical selective annealing and a step-and-repeat spot option for hori…

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New laser makes silicon ‘sing’

To amplify the light with sound, the silicon laser uses a special structure developed in the Rakich lab. It’s essentiall…

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Scan System Intelligence for Mass Production

The excelliSCAN scan head reliably meets the toughest requirements for laser micro-machining and additive manufacturing

The scan system features novel SCANahead servo control as well as galvanometer scanners with highly precise digital angl…

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