The researchers found a simple and elegant solution to the problem. To make laser light more monochromatic, they used th…
Read >>This new power laser system improves production efficiency in laser machining processes such as laser cleaning for remov…
Read >>II-VI’s new BIMO-FSC features an entirely redesigned zoom optics system capable of independently adjusting the focal dia…
Read >>Modules can now be supplied with separated optics and electronics sections, custom built to fit into
Read >>For the first time in the world, researchers were able to control the direction of a laser’s output beam by applying ext…
Read >>All of the optics fit in a millimeter-scale area and the researchers say that their novel device is so efficient that ev…
Read >>Scientists from ITMO University’s Research Institute of Laser Physics have developed a laser capable of measuring the di…
Read >>By shining a laser beam on a reflective surface, and then measuring how much the surface moves in response to light’s pr…
Read >>By using a pump laser to transmit energy to the nanowires, electrons are released from the electron cloud surrounding th…
Read >>Stefan Bittner, a Yale associate research scientist and the first author of the study, said the simplicity and robustnes…
Read >>In addition to the larger format, there are also new developments in the optics of the TruLaser Weld 5000: a built-in se…
Read >>With the development of high-efficiency, high-performance pump diodes, new laser media could be used, in particular ytte…
Read >>They developed a lasing system already adept at producing tiny light packets called photons into a tunable system that a…
Read >>Alumina crystals, a type of host material for light-emitting ions, can yield lasers with ultra-short pulses. Alumina cry…
Read >>The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the highest energy NIF can safely deliver with its current optics and…
Read >>From the measurements of the excitation frequency for the individual isotopes, the shift in color of the required laser…
Read >>Hamamatsu Photonics has developed compact laser diode modules that emit a uniform highintensity beam capable of pumping…
Read >>The microPRO RTP features a line scan option for vertical selective annealing and a step-and-repeat spot option for hori…
Read >>To amplify the light with sound, the silicon laser uses a special structure developed in the Rakich lab. It’s essentiall…
Read >>The scan system features novel SCANahead servo control as well as galvanometer scanners with highly precise digital angl…
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