As part of this collaboration, Coherent will provide customers with the convenience of a single point of contact through…
Read >>INRS researchers were able to generate high-energy and spatiotemporally engineered coherent light fields. This discovery…
Read >>An ideal solution for industrial and consumer range finding and LiDAR applications involving time of flight measurements…
Read >>This invention introduces a revolutionary novel VCSEL design. Since feedback inside the laser needs to be carefully mana…
Read >>To allow a safer and smoother adoption of automation, the industry will need to introduce L2+ functionality, but with ha…
Read >>A team of Australian quantum theorists has shown how to break a bound that had been believed, for 60 years, to fundament…
Read >>Laser marking is a widely used versatile process in many industries that can be optimized to create permanent high-contr…
Read >>The technique has applications in precision timekeeping and quantum information science, which often rely on atomic or s…
Read >>DeapCleave transforms a Gaussian laser beam into constant peak power along the entire depth of focus, optimized to incre…
Read >>Designed as a flexible, laser-beam delivery platform, MOVIA 10 mm aperture scan heads are compatible with a majority of…
Read >>The device creates an ultrafast laser pulse—on the order of femtoseconds, or one quadrillionth of a second—that’s freed…
Read >>The new technology behind the laser was enabled by recent fundamental discoveries in Physics and it could lead to a cost…
Read >>These reflective axicons generate high-quality Bessel beams for glass processing and other high-power laser applications…
Read >>The heart of the new squeezer is a marble-sized optical cavity, housed in a vacuum chamber and containing two mirrors, o…
Read >>Designed for advanced long-distance detection, the Livox Tele-15 offers a durable, high precision system in a compact fo…
Read >>In the new study, the researchers find that a fundamental principle of lasers, that the amplification of light compensat…
Read >>The EKOLAS project, which was completed in February 2020, led to an infrared laser bar with an impressive maximum output…
Read >>Aim of this project is to prove and demonstrate innovative manufacturing and fabrication techniques by using a cyber-phy…
Read >>Rather than increasing the energy of the laser, they decrease the pulse duration to only a few femtoseconds. This would…
Read >>The laser operates with adjustable repetition rates from single shot up to 2 MHz and delivers a high quality, near diffr…
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