These UV Beam Expanders feature diffraction limited performance with a guaranteed
Read >>Over the last decade, Velodyne developed four generations of hybrid solid-state LiDAR systems incorporating the company’…
Read >>NKT Photonics will develop and supply Koheras low noise single frequency fiber lasers for next generation internet crypt…
Read >>The remote welding laboratory allows to offer to the growing US market additional services like user trainings, applicat…
Read >>OBIS lasers pioneered the plug-and-play concept, in which the laser cavity and all control electronics are contained in…
Read >>A study by Macquarie University researchers has found a new way to make ultra-pure frequency lasers based on diamond tha…
Read >>The group is using laser light to chill a special type of crystal, which can then be attached to a device that requires…
Read >>The design impresses with its unparalleled beam quality. Conventional diode-based laser assemblies and even those DPSS l…
Read >>New 606D dual workstation precision 3D laser processing system. The 606D is the only standard laser system with capabili…
Read >>The UB-led research team is pushing laser technology forward using another light manipulation technique called orbital a…
Read >>Researchers at Toyohashi University of Technology, Iowa State University, and the Institute for Molecular Science have d…
Read >>By optimizing the material growth and manufacturing process for terahertz QCLs, Wang and his team made a laser with a re…
Read >>OSL vacuum compatible reflective beam expanders are aspheric mirror-based devices offering either beam expansion or redu…
Read >>In an aviation first, British scientists in Chelmsford have successfully trialled a highly accurate laser airspeed senso…
Read >>Single emitters can reach output powers up to several mWs to several Watts in continuous mode and order of magnitude mor…
Read >>Using ultrashort pulsed laser radiation, the matrixmaterial– which usually consists of epoxy resin – can be processed wi…
Read >>The signal output of the Opera-F is tunable from 650 nm to 900 nm, and the idler is tunable from 1200 nm to 2500 nm. Wh…
Read >>The highly integrated device pulses four high intensity lasers up to 750mA for projecting full-HD color video onto the w…
Read >>Leveraging 3D-Micromac’s proprietary TLS-Dicing™ technology, the microDICE system provides fast, clean and cost-effectiv…
Read >>Kumar and his group have demonstrated that it is possible to induce plasmonic lasers to emit a narrow beam of light by a…
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