New TECHSPEC® 2-8X Continuously Variable Beam Expander Suitable for 355nm

TECHSPEC® Variable Beam Expanders now available for 355 nm with 2X - 8X magnification range

These UV Beam Expanders feature diffraction limited performance with a guaranteed

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Velodyne LiDAR Gears Up for the Autonomous Revolution with Investments from Ford and Baidu

In a Powerful Effort Aspiring to Save Lives

Over the last decade, Velodyne developed four generations of hybrid solid-state LiDAR systems incorporating the company’…

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NKT Photonics lasers help make quantum technology practical

NKT Photonics is participating in the newly started Qubiz – Quantum Innovation Center, which aims at transferring quantum physics into practical quantum technology.

NKT Photonics will develop and supply Koheras low noise single frequency fiber lasers for next generation internet crypt…

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Sidestepping Challenging Laser Welding Applications in the US

Blackbird Robotics opens a Remote Welding Laboratory in Detroit

The remote welding laboratory allows to offer to the growing US market additional services like user trainings, applicat…

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High Power Violet Lasers Improve Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy Applications

OBIS lasers pioneered the plug-and-play concept, in which the laser cavity and all control electronics are contained in…

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Brilliant lasers: diamond provides new approach to ultra-pure frequency lasers

A study by Macquarie University researchers has found a new way to make ultra-pure frequency lasers based on diamond tha…

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Optical physicists record lowest temperature ever in solids using laser cooling

Physics, Astronomy & Interdisciplinary Science facility will help group continue to be worldwide leader

The group is using laser light to chill a special type of crystal, which can then be attached to a device that requires…

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New High Power DPSS laser at 640 nm by UniKLasers

The design impresses with its unparalleled beam quality. Conventional diode-based laser assemblies and even those DPSS l…

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Prima Power Laserdyne Announces Its New LASERDYNE 606D Dual Workstation Multi-Axis Laser System.

New 606D dual workstation precision 3D laser processing system. The 606D is the only standard laser system with capabili…

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Vortex laser offers hope for Moore’s Law

The optics advancement may solve an approaching data bottleneck by helping to boost computing power and information transfer rates tenfold

The UB-led research team is pushing laser technology forward using another light manipulation technique called orbital a…

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World first demo of labyrinth magnetic-domain-optical Q-switched laser

A submillimeter-thick film with magnetic microdomains was used to control a Q-switched laser, increasing its pulse power 1,000 times

Researchers at Toyohashi University of Technology, Iowa State University, and the Institute for Molecular Science have d…

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Making terahertz lasers more powerful

Researchers in China nearly double the continuous output power of a type of terahertz laser, opening up applications in spectroscopy, imaging, remote sensing and more

By optimizing the material growth and manufacturing process for terahertz QCLs, Wang and his team made a laser with a re…

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Vacuum Compatible Beam Expanders

OSL vacuum compatible reflective beam expanders are aspheric mirror-based devices offering either beam expansion or redu…

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BAE Systems develops laser airspeed sensor for aircraft

In an aviation first, British scientists in Chelmsford have successfully trialled a highly accurate laser airspeed senso…

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Princeton Optronics Announces Mass Production of VCSELs and VCSEL Arrays for Autofocus of Cell Phone Cameras

Single emitters can reach output powers up to several mWs to several Watts in continuous mode and order of magnitude mor…

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Using ultrashort pulsed laser radiation to structure fiber-reinforced components and remove their coatings

Using ultrashort pulsed laser radiation, the matrixmaterial– which usually consists of epoxy resin – can be processed wi…

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OPA Delivers Short Pulsewidth and Wide Tuning from Yb Amplifiers

The signal output of the Opera-F is tunable from 650 nm to 900 nm, and the idler is tunable from 1200 nm to 2500 nm. Wh…

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Intersil Unveils Industry's Highest Performance Laser Diode Driver for Automotive Heads-Up Displays

High-speed, quad-channel ISL78365 pulses high intensity lasers up to 750mA, projects full-HD resolution video onto windshield

The highly integrated device pulses four high intensity lasers up to 750mA for projecting full-HD color video onto the w…

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3D-Micromac brings enabling, low cost-of-ownership laser micromachining solution to volume semiconductor wafer and power device processing

Company also expands North American operations with new applications lab and service/support facility to meet growing customer demand for TLS-Dicing™ technology

Leveraging 3D-Micromac’s proprietary TLS-Dicing™ technology, the microDICE system provides fast, clean and cost-effectiv…

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A sharper focus for plasmonic lasers

Kumar and his group have demonstrated that it is possible to induce plasmonic lasers to emit a narrow beam of light by a…

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