Material processing using lasers has now become an essential part of many manufacturing processes. This processing inclu…
Read >>Scientists at ANU have improved the performance of tiny lasers by adding impurities, in a discovery which will be centra…
Read >>E-Track actively measures and controls the laser for continual energy and power stabilization even under rapidly changin…
Read >>Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have found a new way of using mid-infrared lasers to turn regions of molecules in the o…
Read >>As part of a NEDO project, Osaka University and Shimadzu Corporation have developed two types of RGB laser light source…
Read >>OFC2 ABSOLUTE is based on laser distance measurement technology and is complementary to the patented OFC Optical Focus C…
Read >>By optimizing the temporal structure of ultrashort laser pulses German scientists achieved high-aspect ratio nano-machin…
Read >>Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have found a way to give photons, or light packets, their marching ord…
Read >>Together, the 06-MLD and 06-DPL lasers in the Cobolt 06-01 Series offer a very complete spectrum of directly modulatable…
Read >>The new design represents improved performance and new features, sustaining the continuous application development in th…
Read >>The exciting new OBIS CORE LS measures a miniscule 52 mm x 27 mm x 12 mm—a volume reduction of
Read >>In this week’s issue of Nature Photonics, researchers at MIT and Sandia National Laboratories describe a new way to buil…
Read >>hey also considered that the terahertz waves might have directed caused increased vibrations between the molecules but d…
Read >>The mini liquid cooling kit is an easy to integrate, compact sealed compressor system for the cooling of bio reagents an…
Read >>In experiments, the laser has demonstrated its ability to capture the unique spectral fingerprint of gases
Read >>A new class of lasers developed by a team that included physics researchers at Kansas State University could help scient…
Read >>The interesting part of Noptel laser rangefinder technologies are the middle range and long range laser rangefinders. Th…
Read >>UniKLasers Ltd. is expanding its CW single-frequency DPSS laser series towards the UV by introducing a new model at 320…
Read >>Like all Fianium Supercontinuum Lasers, the WL-SC-400-20 operates in the MHz repetition rate making it ideal for steady-…
Read >>With extremely short laser pulses ranging from 0.4 to 20 picoseconds and a peak power of 20 microjoules, the TruMicro 20…
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