This agreement, which covers a pulsed laser module, allows LEUKOS to produce a pump system based on the new picosecond l…
Read >>In the 1990s, two professors of electrical and computer engineering at UW-Madison, Luke Mawst and Dan Botez, patented in…
Read >>The Coherent Amplification Network concept is based on the use of an array of fibre lasers for amplification and coheren…
Read >>The technique makes these tiny lasers suitable for miniature optoelectronics, computers and sensors
Read >>A particularly illustrative application is high-precision 3D printing of moulds, where the laser must repeatedly rescan…
Read >>The study of fluids in motion – now known as hydrodynamics – goes back to the Egyptians, so it is not often that new dis…
Read >>The new HL40033G offers high optical output power at a wavelength of 405nm and is
Read >>The fiber-coupled pump module is based on a single-emitter platform in a sealed housing. It offers up to 30W laser power…
Read >>The offset-free system DFC is based on patented technology that achieves an unprecedented passive stability. It is the s…
Read >>The laser does not require any adjustment or maintenance, is very compact, and is the base for the development of an ind…
Read >>University of Washington scientists have built a new nanometer-sized laser — using the thinnest semiconductor available…
Read >>SmartRamp™ is the latest feature addition to the LASERDYNE S94P control, which controls operation of the LASERDYNE 795 a…
Read >>At 450nm, the new wavelength delivers both high power and brightness within the COMPACT platform, up to 25 watt output p…
Read >>The diode arrays are a key component of the High-Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System, which is currently unde…
Read >>In the conventional process, the light arc burns between the wire electrode and the workpiece, and fuses both. For large…
Read >>The demonstration marked the first field testing of an integrated 30-kilowatt, single-mode fiber laser
Read >>New features include long-range wireless remote control, motorized tip-tilt and a variable sensitivity alignment system.…
Read >>In a lithographically fabricated silicon nanowire waveguide, the spectrum of a short-pulse laser is significantly broade…
Read >>The LFC is a tool for measuring the colour—or frequency—of light, and has been responsible for generating some of the mo…
Read >>Scientists from Vienna and Moscow have created a high-energy mid-infrared laser powerful enough to create shining filame…
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