"Red Nugget" Galaxies Were Hiding in Plain Sight

In 2005 the Hubble Space Telescope spotted unusually small galaxies densely packed with red stars in the distant, young…

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Diamond 'Super-Earth' May Not be Quite as Precious, UA Graduate Student Finds

An alien world reported to be the first known planet to consist largely of diamond appears less likely to be of such precious nature, according to a new analysis led by UA graduate student Johanna Teske.

A planet 40 light years from our solar system, believed to be the first-ever discovered planet to consist largely of dia…

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Terahertz sensor aiming for Jupiter´s moons

A high performance terahertz receiver aiming for space missions such as ESA’s Jupiter icy moons explorer has been develo…

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Lunar orbiters discover source of space weather near Earth

Solar storms — powerful eruptions of solar material and magnetic fields into interplanetary space — can cause what is kn…

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Scientists generate first map of clouds on an exoplanet

Map reveals a lopsided cloud distribution on an extremely hot planet.

On the exoplanet Kepler 7b, the weather is highly predictable, an international team of scientists has found: On any giv…

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Voyager 1 magnetic data surprise intrigues UAH researchers

A University of Alabama in Huntsville graduate student and a recent UAH doctoral graduate are exploring surprising data…

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Lasers key to UAH team’s asteroid defense system

A space-based laser system proposed to NASA by University of Alabama in Huntsville researchers could be a cost-effective…

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Researchers publish enormous catalog of more than 300,000 nearby galaxies

More than 83,000 volunteer citizen scientists participated in the crowdsourcing project

The project, named Galaxy Zoo 2, is the second phase of a crowdsourcing effort to categorize galaxies in our universe.

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Magnetic jet shows how stars begin their final transformation

Astronomers have for the first time found a jet of high-energy particles from a dying star. The discovery, by a team inc…

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Neutron stars in the computer cloud

Einstein@Home discovers 24 new pulsars in archival data

The combined computing power of 200,000 private PCs helps astronomers take an inventory of the Milky Way

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Ultracold Big Bang experiment successfully simulates evolution of early universe

Physicists have reproduced a pattern resembling the cosmic microwave background radiation in a laboratory simulation of…

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Portrait of a Jupiter twin

Subaru telescope snaps image of exoplanet GJ 504 b, which orbits a Sun-like star

Using the Subaru telescope on Hawai'i, a group of astronomers including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Ast…

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Stanford solar scientists solve one of the sun's mysteries

The sun's magnetic field can play havoc with communications technology. Stanford scientists have now described one of the underlying processes that help form the magnetic field, which could help scientists predict its behavior.

The sun's magnetic field can play havoc with communications technology. Stanford scientists have now described one of th…

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Stunning images of Andromeda demonstrate the world's most powerful astronomical camera

Stunning images of the Andromeda Galaxy are among the first to emerge from a new wide-field camera installed on the enor…

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Waking up to a new year

MIT team discovers an exoplanet that orbits its star in 8.5 hours.

In the time it takes you to complete a single workday, or get a full night’s sleep, a small fireball of a planet 700 lig…

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A magnetar at the heart of our Milky Way

Radio astronomers use pulsar with strong magnetic field to investigate supermassive black hole

Astronomers have discovered a magnetar at the centre of our Milky Way. This pulsar has an extremely strong magnetic fiel…

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New theory points to ‘zombie vortices’ as key step in star formation

Astronomers accept that in the first steps of a new star’s birth, dense clouds of gas collapse into clumps that, with th…

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UA Astronomers Take Sharpest Photos Ever of the Night Sky

Thanks to new technology developed in part at the UA, astronomers can now view objects in the sky at unprecedented sharpness in visible light.

Thanks to new technology developed in part at the UA, astronomers can now view objects in the sky at unprecedented sharp…

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Free-floating planets may be born free

Tiny, round, cold clouds in space have all the right characteristics to form planets with no parent star. New observatio…

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Quasar observed in 6 separate light reflections

Quasars are active black holes – primarily from the early universe. Using a special method where you observe light that…

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