Large-Scale Simulation Provides Theoretical Evidence of Early Disk Galaxies

A new, large-scale computer simulation has shown for the first time that large disk galaxies, much like our own Milky Wa…

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Detection of gamma rays from a newly discovered dwarf galaxy may point to dark matter

Scientists have detected for the first time gamma rays emanating from a dwarf galaxy. Such a detection may be the signal…

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‘Kathryn’s wheel’ collision lights up galaxy

A spectacular collision between galaxies has been spotted near the Milky Way. Two small star systems are slamming into each other, producing a colourful firework display

A spectacular collision between galaxies has been spotted near the Milky Way. Two small star systems are slamming into e…

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Astronomers witness assembly of galaxies in the early Universe for the first time

An international team of astronomers led by the University of Cambridge have detected the most distant clouds of star-fo…

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Salt flat indicates some of the last vestiges of surface water on Mars, CU-Boulder study finds

Mars turned cold and dry long ago, but researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered evidence of an…

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Astronomers Discover ‘Young Jupiter’ Exoplanet

Stony Brook PhD student’s work with recycled planetary dust brings context to the international scientific team’s finding published in Science

The finding could serve as a decoder ring for astronomers to understand how planets formed around our sun because one of…

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Astronomers find 'teeny supermassive black hole'

The findings illuminate for astronomers important similarities between galaxies of vastly different scales. And because…

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Failed stars host powerful aurora displays

Brown dwarf stars host powerful aurora displays just like planets, astronomers have discovered.

The so-called failed stars, which are difficult to detect and also remain hard to classify, are too massive to be planet…

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Deep space images shed light on dark matter

New images of deep space are helping to shed light on dark matter, the invisible material that accounts for more than 80…

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Researchers find that Earth’s magnetic shield is 500 million years older than previously thought

An older geomagnetic field suggests an early start to plate tectonics

The directional information is stored in microscopic grains inside magnetite- a naturally occurring magnetic iron oxide.…

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Caltech Astronomers Unveil a Distant Protogalaxy Connected to the Cosmic Web

A team of astronomers led by Caltech has discovered a giant swirling disk of gas 10 billion light-years away—a galaxy-in…

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Old Astronomic Riddle on the Way to Be Solved

Scientists at the University of Basel were able to identify for the first time a molecule responsible for the absorption…

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Super-bright supernova with extreme burst of gamma radiation

Astronomers from the Niels Bohr Institute have observed a super-bright supernova association with a very unusual long la…

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Astronomers Discover 854 Ultra-Dark Galaxies in the Famous Coma Cluster

Led by Stony Brook's Jin Koda, PhD, the discovery surpasses the 2014 find by more than 800

The Subaru Telescope revealed that these dark galaxies contain old stellar populations and shows a spatial distribution…

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York scientists unlock secrets of stars through aluminium

Physicists at the University of York have revealed a new understanding of nucleosynthesis in stars, providing insight in…

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Neutron star’s echoes give astronomers a new measuring stick

Circinus X-1 is a freak of the Milky Way. Located in the plane of the galaxy, Circinus X-1 is the glowing husk of a bina…

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Dust pillars of destruction reveal impact of cosmic wind on galaxy evolution

Astronomers have long known that powerful cosmic winds can sometimes blow through galaxies, sweeping out interstellar ma…

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Seeing a Supernova in a New Light

The researchers collected observations ranging from the energetic X-ray and UV all the way to the radio wavelengths, the…

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Astronomers find a massive black hole that outgrew its galaxy

Astronomers have spotted a super-sized black hole in the early universe that grew much faster than its host galaxy

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Gaia satellite and amateur astronomers spot one in a billion star

The system, named Gaia14aae, is located about 730 light years away in the Draco constellation. It was discovered by

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