Controlling ultrastrong light-matter coupling at room temperature

The coupling in this work is realised through interaction between light and electrons in a tiny system consisting of two…

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Squeezing light inside memory devices could help improve performance

Using this technique, the researchers were able to observe changes in the colour of the light scattered from the device…

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New detector breakthrough pushes boundaries of quantum computing

A new paper published in Nature shows potential for graphene bolometers to become a game-changer for quantum technology.

Measuring the energy of qubits is at the heart of how quantum computers operate. Most quantum computers currently measur…

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Quantum model unlocks new approach to single-photon detection

In a paper published in NPJ Quantum Information, the researchers showed through a simulation that a system running on 10…

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Development of a Multivalued Optical Memory Composed of Two-Dimensional Materials

This technology may be used to significantly increase the capacity of memory devices and applied to the development of v…

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Patented innovations offer new approaches to optical sensing

The Purdue researchers developed a hybrid plasmonic thin-film, two-phase vertically aligned nanocomposite with controlla…

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Physicists achieve tunable spin wave excitation

Unlike the previously available methods, the new approach enables controlling the generated wave by varying several para…

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New method prevents quantum computers from crashing

The researchers had to develop two key techniques to protect their quantum computer from the loss of qubits. The first c…

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Revolutionary quantum breakthrough paves way for safer online communication

Instead of having to replicate the whole communication system, this latest methodology, called multiplexing, splits the…

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LBP Optics launches state-of-the-art laser assisted machining capability

The purchase of the new machining system significantly increases LBP Optics capacity for manufacturing diamond turned op…

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Quantum Innovations Achieved Using Alkaline-Earth Atoms

Physicists' latest achievement with neutral atoms paves the way for new quantum computer designs

To achieve their goal, the researchers turned to optical tweezers, which are basically laser beams that can maneuver ind…

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Photonics researchers report breakthrough in miniaturizing light-based chips

Rochester team demonstrates new way to control light as it moves through integrated circuits, paving a research avenue in communications, computing, and photonics research.

Using a material widely adopted by photonics researchers, the Rochester team has created the smallest electro-optical mo…

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Lightmatter Introduces Optical Processor to Speed Compute for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence

New processor to be announced at HotChips uses light instead of electrons to calculate and transfer data, enabling energy savings and dramatically faster compute

This new architecture is a massive advancement in the development of photonic processors. The performance of this photon…

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IBM Delivers Its Highest Quantum Volume to Date, Expanding the Computational Power of its IBM Cloud-Accessible Quantum Computers

Company achieves a quantum volume of 64 through full-stack improvements

To achieve this milestone, the company focused on a new set of techniques and improvements that used knowledge of the ha…

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A highly light-absorbent and tunable material

The new structure’s particular properties make it a candidate for applications in optical components or as a source of i…

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Heriot-Watt scientists unscramble quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement plays a central role in the technologies that are transforming our world, from ultra-secure cryptog…

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Scientists See Train of Photons in a New Light

In the experiment, the researchers examined how photons in a laser beam can interact through atomic intermediaries so th…

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Photonic Tensor Core finds its way to industry

The Photonic Tensor Core on which the chip is based, is able to carry out general mathematical operations such as vector…

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Seeing the light: Researchers combine technologies for better light control

New photonic integrated chip could enable developments for many optical technologies

This new development could have applications in optical communications, optical remote sensing — LiDAR — free-space opti…

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Twistless simulation of twistronics

A study by ICFO, UAM, and UAB researchers reports novel approach by using an atomic quantum simulator of twisted bilayers without actually twisting the layers.

Emulating this physics beyond materials research can help in the identification of key minimal ingredients that give ris…

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