Shorter and Longer Wavelengths Now Cover 200 nm TO 800 nm

To support the new ozone-producing lamp, HORIBA added a deozonating scrubbing filter.

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Quantum teleportation between atomic systems over long distances

Researchers have been able to teleport information from light to light at a quantum level for several years. In 2006, re…

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SLAC X-rays resurrect 200-year-old lost opera

Thanks to scientists at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, audiences can hear a 200-year-old opera by composer Lu…

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Eye contact lenses, picture-taking and scanning, possibly, a wearable black box

Stretchable, transparent graphene-metal nanowire electrode

A hybrid transparent and stretchable electrode could open the new way for flexible displays, solar cells, and even elect…

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First Observation of Spin Hall Effect in a Quantum Gas is Step Toward 'Atomtronics'

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have reported* the first observation of the "sp…

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Ocean Optics Launches Powerful New Spectroscopy Software

OceanView’s customizable interface puts the user in control

OceanView displays and utilizes spectral data from Ocean Optics spectrometers with the added flexibility of integrating…

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Hydrogen atoms under the magnifying glass: direct observation of the nodal structures of electronic states of the hydrogen atom

To describe the microscopic properties of matter and its interaction with the external world, quantum mechanics uses wav…

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Flexible opals

A synthetic material which mimics the brightest and most vivid colours in nature, and changes colour when twisted or str…

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AMOLF researchers unravel design rule to brighten quantum light sources

Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have identified a new universal ‘design rule’ to determine how elementary building blocks for light control must be combined to compose an environment in which a quantum light source shines as brightly as possible.

Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have identified a new universal ‘design rule’ to determine how elementary building…

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Charred Micro-Bunny Sculpture Shows Promise of New Material for 3-D Shaping

Recipe for new resin suited to making electrodes uses lasers for molding into almost any 3-D shape

Though its surface has been turned to carbon, the bunny-like features can still be easily observed with a microscope.…

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New light-controlled gel makes big strides in soft robotics

Inspired by the way plants grow toward light sources, a phenomenon known as phototropism, bioengineers from the Universi…

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NIST Scientists Win 2014 Rank Prizes for Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

Physicists John Kitching and Svenja Knappe of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will receive 201…

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Invisible pattern can put a stop to counterfeit designer clothing

There is now a way to differentiate between designer clothing and knockoffs. Chalmers researcher Christian Müller has pr…

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Just How Secure is Quantum Cryptography?

Theorists report novel ways to calculate failure probability at CLEO: 2013

Quantum communication systems offer the promise of virtually unbreakable encryption. Unlike classical encryption, which…

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Helicopter-light-beams – a new tool for quantum optics

A light wave oscillates perpendicular to its propagation direction – that is what students learn in school. However, scientists of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) now perform atom-physics experiments with light oscillating in the longitudinal direction.

Storing light in a bottle is easier than one might think: Laser light can be coupled into an optical glass fiber in such…

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The Better to See You With: Scientists Build Record-Setting Metamaterial Flat Lens

For the first time, scientists working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have demonstrated a…

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u²t Photonics Unveils the World’s Fastest Balanced Photodetector With 70 GHz 3dB Bandwidth

The coaxial single-ended output can detect up to 64 GBaud polarization diversity x-QAM signals featuring highly reliable…

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Milwaukee-York researchers forward quest for quantum computing

Research teams from UW-Milwaukee and the University of York investigating the properties of ultra-thin films of new mate…

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Radiant Zemax Launches World's Fastest, Most Accurate High-Resolution Imaging Colorimeter

New ProMetric® I family optimized for speed, resolution, and measurement accuracy

ProMetric I includes industry-first Smart Technology™ innovations that greatly simplify measurement setup and enable fas…

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Rice unveils method for tailoring optical processors

Arranging nanoparticles in geometric patterns allows for control of light with light

Rice’s team used the method to create an optical device in which incoming light could be directly controlled with light…

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