Simulating the quantum world with electron traps

Researchers exert precise control over individual electrons to create an artificial material.

Researchers have now demonstrated a method that is both effective and can be scaled up to larger numbers of quantum dots…

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LioniX International and Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute intensify collaboration of their PIC platforms

Combining the functionalities of both platforms enables new applications varying from telecom, datacom to bio-photonics,…

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Optaglio brings 3D animations between security elements

OPTAGLIO´s security elements are created with electron beam lithography with extremely high resolution, more than 2,5 mi…

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Magnon circular birefringence: polarization rotation of spin waves and its applications

Such an effect specifically appearing under a finite external magnetic field is the Faraday effect, where light polariza…

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Amplification on a chip: Research raises hope for erbium-based integrated photonics device

An Arizona State University researcher has made another breakthrough using the rare-earth metal erbium as the gain mater…

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Beware doping athletes! This sensor may be your downfall

New optical device could help detect drugs, bomb-making chemicals and more

This new optical device has the potential to improve our abilities to detect all sorts of biological and chemical sample…

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Experimental method measures quantum coherence, the ability of being in two states at once

Researchers at the UAB have come up with a method that allows measuring the strength of the coherence of a quantum state…

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Broadband light sources with liquid core

Jena scientists generate supercontinuum light source using liquid core optical fibers and reveal a new type of soliton dynamics

The researchers pumped a hybrid waveguide with an ultrafast, intense laser pulse and produced a very broad light spectru…

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Photon triplets pave way for multi-photon entanglement

Researchers experimentally demonstrated the creation of photon triplets, correlated by time, using a quantum dot molecul…

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Ultracold molecules hold promise for quantum computing

New approach yields long-lasting configurations that could provide long-sought “qubit” material.

Researchers have taken an important step toward the long-sought goal of a quantum computer, which in theory should be ca…

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Physicists Design Ultrafocused Pulses

Physicists working with researcher Oriol Romero-Isart devised a new simple scheme to theoretically generate arbitrarily short and focused electromagnetic fields. This new tool could be used for precise sensing and in microscopy.

The physicists in Innsbruck were able to confirm their analytical calculations with numerical simulations. They showed t…

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Microsoft and University of Sydney forge quantum partnership

Australian lab part of IT giant's ramped-up quantum computing bid

The focus of Professor Reilly and his team at Station Q Sydney is to bring quantum computing out of the laboratory and i…

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UCLA-led research offers clearest evidence yet of long-sought Majorana particle

Finding could provide the vehicle for carrying ‘qubits’ of data in quantum computing

In the experiment, Majorana particles traveled along the insulator’s edges in a distinct braid-like pattern. The researc…

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CCNY physicists master unexplored electron property

These quasi-particles were then optically controlled using a laser to access the electrons occupying specific

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Carbon Nanotubes Turn Electrical Current into Light-emitting Quasi-particles

Strong light-matter coupling in these semiconducting tubes may hold the key to electrically pumped lasers

These particles may pave the way for new light sources, so-called electrically pumped polariton lasers, that could be ma…

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Researchers Land $400,049 NSF Grant to Create Photon Funnels

The team will explore a fundamentally new approach for concentrating light called

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‘Tiny dancer’ atoms could prove a hit with quantum computer scientists

Quantum computers could be a step closer to practical use thanks to the work of an international team led by University of Surrey scientists.

The study, published in Nature Communications, reports that the scientists were successful in manipulating atoms of phos…

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Smart atomic cloud solves Heisenberg's observation problem

The NBI-researchers used laser light to link caesium atoms and a vibrating membrane. The research, the first of its kind…

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Vortex photons from electrons in circular motion

Existence of such peculiar photons was theoretically predicted about 25 years ago. Nowadays, such photons can be readily…

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Scientists announce the quest for high-index materials

All-dielectric nanophotonics: The quest for better materials and fabrication techniques

Their systematic study produced results that can optimize the use of known materials for building optical nanodevices, a…

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