Researchers have now demonstrated a method that is both effective and can be scaled up to larger numbers of quantum dots…
Read >>Combining the functionalities of both platforms enables new applications varying from telecom, datacom to bio-photonics,…
Read >>OPTAGLIO´s security elements are created with electron beam lithography with extremely high resolution, more than 2,5 mi…
Read >>Such an effect specifically appearing under a finite external magnetic field is the Faraday effect, where light polariza…
Read >>An Arizona State University researcher has made another breakthrough using the rare-earth metal erbium as the gain mater…
Read >>This new optical device has the potential to improve our abilities to detect all sorts of biological and chemical sample…
Read >>Researchers at the UAB have come up with a method that allows measuring the strength of the coherence of a quantum state…
Read >>The researchers pumped a hybrid waveguide with an ultrafast, intense laser pulse and produced a very broad light spectru…
Read >>Researchers experimentally demonstrated the creation of photon triplets, correlated by time, using a quantum dot molecul…
Read >>Researchers have taken an important step toward the long-sought goal of a quantum computer, which in theory should be ca…
Read >>The physicists in Innsbruck were able to confirm their analytical calculations with numerical simulations. They showed t…
Read >>The focus of Professor Reilly and his team at Station Q Sydney is to bring quantum computing out of the laboratory and i…
Read >>In the experiment, Majorana particles traveled along the insulator’s edges in a distinct braid-like pattern. The researc…
Read >>These quasi-particles were then optically controlled using a laser to access the electrons occupying specific
Read >>These particles may pave the way for new light sources, so-called electrically pumped polariton lasers, that could be ma…
Read >>The team will explore a fundamentally new approach for concentrating light called
Read >>The study, published in Nature Communications, reports that the scientists were successful in manipulating atoms of phos…
Read >>The NBI-researchers used laser light to link caesium atoms and a vibrating membrane. The research, the first of its kind…
Read >>Existence of such peculiar photons was theoretically predicted about 25 years ago. Nowadays, such photons can be readily…
Read >>Their systematic study produced results that can optimize the use of known materials for building optical nanodevices, a…
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