Super-precise spectrometer enabled by latent information carried by photons

In the future, it can be miniaturized on a photonic chip and applied in optical and

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Nanostructures enable on-chip lightwave-electronic frequency mixer

Lightwave electronics aim to integrate optical and electronic systems at incredibly high speeds, leveraging the ultrafast oscillations of light fields.

Lightwave electronics is an emerging field that aims to integrate optical and electronic systems at incredibly high spee…

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Unique nanodisk pushing photonic research forward

The material has a high refractive index, meaning that light can be more effectively

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Electrically Modulated Light Antenna Points the Way to Faster Computer Chips

Physicists from Würzburg present a nanometre-sized light antenna with electrically modulated surface properties – a breakthrough that could pave the way for faster computer chips.

Instead of trying to change the entire resonator, the team focussed on changing its surface properties. This breakthroug…

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Magnonic repeaters “tidy up signals” and contribute to energy-efficient data processing

Scientists around the world are working to make magnon-based computing possible, complementing the current electron-base…

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First demonstration of deep subwavelength topological edge states

ICFO leads the first experimental demonstration of a deep subwavelength topological edge state within a nanophotonic system, a turnover in the field of topological Nanophotonics.

To enable the emergence of topological edge states, the team constructed a one-dimensional polaritonic lattice platform

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A new type of col­lec­tive inter­fer­ence effect

The aim of the research was to explore and better understand the relationship between entanglement and interference in s…

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Researchers create an “imprint” on a super photon

A method developed at the University of Bonn could have potential applications for tap-proof communication

The researchers at the IAP create super photons by filling a tiny container with

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Illuminating the unavoidable imperfections of nanostructures

The real light distribution has a peculiar pattern that light is prevented from exiting to the

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Ultracompact polarization-entangled photon sources for miniaturized quantum devices

The new light source is made from a special material called

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Micropillar microcavity optophononic resonators, which confine both light and sound within the same region, have shown g…

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Innovative perovskite waveguides with edge lasing effect

Perovskites could play a key role in the further development of optical technologies, and the

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Contactless integrated photonic probes: A non-invasive on-chip optical monitor

The review first introduces the fundamentals of the CLIPP including the concept, the equivalent electric model and the

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Towards ultrathin sources of entangled photons

Known as excitons, these pairs of opposite charges arise from the

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Breakthrough in quantum light source heralds ultra-secure communication

A light source that can generate entangled photons is crucial for quantum communication. Entanglement is

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Purdue physicists throw world’s smallest disco party

A new milestone has been set for levitated optomechanics as Prof. Tongcang Li’s group observed the Berry phase of electron spins in nano-sized diamonds levitated in vacuum

Levitated nanodiamonds with embedded spin qubits have been proposed for precision measurements and creating large quantu…

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New specialist conference aims to transfer know-how to laser-based optics production

Shaping, polishing and correcting the more complex aspheres mechanically is time-consuming and costly. This is where fre…

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Paving the way to extremely fast, compact computer memory

In a study published in Nature, researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and the MPSD in Hamburg have demonstr…

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Engineers bring efficient optical neural networks into focus

These systems rely on photons to process data, and although light can theoretically be used to perform computations much…

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Physicists develop new method to combine conventional internet with the quantum internet

Researchers at Leibniz University Hannover send entangled photons and laser pulses of the same colour over a single optical fibre for the first time.

With the concept demonstrated for the first time in the experiment, the photons can now be sent in the same colour chann…

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