motion analysis software PFA - ver.1.1.0

Photron releases first major update of motion analysis software "PFA" - ver.1.1.0

motion analysis software PFA - ver.1.1.0

motion analysis software "PFA" - ver.1.1.0


September 3, 2013

Following the initial announcement of Photron FASTCAM Analysis (PFA) at the end of 2012 and a maintenance release in February of this year, Photron Software Engineers have continued development to incorporate those features required to allow users not only to process images and export the raw data but also to save projects and create video data by combining both images and tracking results. With these additions and some minor bug fixes, this new release, free to existing users, rounds off what was already a very powerful addit! ion to any Photron high-speed camera system.

download a free, fully functional, 90 day trial.

You can see a demonstration video showing PFA’s powerful automated motion analysis capabilities by clicking here.


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