rainbow 2

FEMTOLASERS launches the new rainbow™ 2 ultrafast oscillator

rainbow 2

rainbow™ 2


08. June 2014

FEMTOLASERS launches the new rainbow™ 2 ultrafast oscillator to offer the ultimate performance and reliability in a sealed, industrial-grade package with state of the art output parameters: sub-6 fs, 500 mW, > 300 nm spectral bandwidth. This outstanding plug & play femtosecond laser draws on FEMTOLASERS’ world renowned FEMTOSOURCE™ rainbow™ technology to prove itself as the most advanced commercial ultrafast oscillator to date.

Paired with the FEMTOLASERS patented CEP4 technology, the new hands-free rainbow™ 2 is indisputably the oscillator of choice when it comes to demanding experiments requiring highest quality and long term reliability for CE Phase stabilization. The rainbow™ 2 offers extreme performance in a user friendly manner, ideal for applications spanning from ultrafast amplifier/OPCPA seeding, to CARS, spectroscopy or attosecond science.

Hands-free operation
Sealed cavity, integrated diagnostics
Active system parameter stabilization
Sub-6 fs pulse duration
CEP4 stabilization
Outstanding long term stability
Repetition rate stabilization
Multiple outputs

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Development Category (English)728x90