When fluid dynamics mimic quantum mechanics

MIT researchers expand the range of quantum behaviors that can be replicated in fluidic systems, offering a new perspective on wave-particle duality.

In the latest issue of the journal Physical Review E (PRE), a team of MIT researchers, in collaboration with Couder and…

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New University/Industry Partnership Will Advance Optical Science and Engineering

A new center led by the University of Rochester will receive over $4 million in combined federal, industry and academic…

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Tetrapod Quantum Dots Light the Way to Stronger Polymers

Berkeley Lab Researchers Use Fluorescent Tetrapod Quantum Dots to Measure the Mechanical Strength of Polymer Fibers

Fluorescent tetrapod nanocrystals could light the way to the future design of stronger polymer nanocomposites

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DSI® Announces Highly Durable, Optical Thin Film Coatings for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

Deposition Sciences will present ruggedized optical coatings for unmanned systems in booth 3053 at AUVSI (Washington, D.…

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Random, scattered, and ultra tiny: A spectrometer for the future

Taking advantage of the sensitive nature of randomly scattered light, Yale University researchers have developed an ultr…

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Quest to test Einstein's speed limit

Albert Einstein's assertion that there's an ultimate speed limit – the speed of light – has withstood countless tests ov…

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Detection of single photons via quantum entanglement

A team of quantum physicists in Innsbruck led by Christian Roos and Cornelius Hempel have realised an extremely sensitiv…

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Superfluid turbulence through the lens of black holes

Study finds behavior of the turbulent flow of superfluids is opposite that of ordinary fluids.

A superfluid moves like a completely frictionless liquid, seemingly able to propel itself without any hindrance from gra…

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Taming the Wild West of physics to make materials out of light

Prof. Jonathan Simon building 'particle decelerator' to crystallize photons

High school physics teaches that photons have no mass, but Jonathan Simon, the Neubauer Family assistant professor of ph…

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Size and Memory Both Matter in Quantum Computing

Dartmouth physicists and colleagues home in on stable information storage for quantum computers.

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Radiant Zemax Announces Zemax 13 Release 2 Innovations in Optical and Illumination Design Software

New and proprietary features solve today's most difficult design challenges

Zemax 13 Release 2 delivers a powerful competitive advantage with industry-leading design, simulation and optimization c…

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New NIST Nanoscale Indenter Takes Novel Approach to Measuring Surface Properties

Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of North Carolina have dem…

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Researchers in Vienna and Boulder demonstrate a leap forward in optical coating technology.

An international collaboration of scientists in Austria and the US demonstrate a novel “crystalline coating” technique f…

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UCSC researchers develop 3D display with no ghosting for viewers without glasses

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have developed a prototype for 3D+2D television that allows vie…

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Desktop Printing at the Nano Level

Northwestern researchers create state-of-the-art desktop nanofabrication tool

A new low-cost, high-resolution tool is primed to revolutionize how nanotechnology is produced from the desktop, accordi…

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Mobile phone objective camera optical design

Optical design guide for mobile phone camera objective lens

Mobile phone camera objective optical design, is unique in its requirements for small packaging and cost effective. In t…

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Iridian announces the addition of new standard filters in the mid-wave (MWIR) and long-wave infrared (LWIR) wavelength region.

New band-pass filters (BPFs) have been produced to optimize detection of narrow spectral emission lines in the infrared…

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Headwall's High-Performance Gratings Optimized for Small-Form-Factor Spectral Instruments

OEM-Specific Designs Feature Aberration Correction, High SNR, Low Stray Light Performance

Application areas include color management, plant phenotyping, pathogen detection, semiconductor fabrication, process mo…

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Deciphering Butterflies’ Designer Colors: Findings Could Inspire New Hue-Changing Materials

Researchers in Hong Kong have discovered how subtle differences in the tiny crystals of butterfly wings create stunningl…

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Broadband photodetector for polarized light

Rice, Sandia team uses carbon nanotubes for polarized-light detection

Using carpets of aligned carbon nanotubes, researchers from Rice University and Sandia National Laboratories have create…

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