Lachen, Switzerland - June 18, 2015 Photonfocus expands with two new cameras the product range of cameras for hyperspectral imaging applications. The hitherto existing cameras with the Photonfocus CMOS sensors A1312 and A2080 were optimized for systems with imaging spectrometers and high dynamic. The two new camera models are based on the CMOSIS 2 Megapixel CMOS sensor with global shutter which are modified by IMEC with narrow pass band filters. The sensors with line filters and 5x5 mosaic filters are offered in standard cameras with GigE interface.
The camera MV1-D2048x1088-HS01-96-G2-10 is equipped with the IMEC line scan wedge CMV2K-LS100-NIR sensor. This sensor covers the wavelength region from 600nm to 1000nm. With the binning module the hyperspectral data could be pre-processed in the camera. The camera MV1-D2048x1088-HS02-96-G2-10 contains the IMEC snapshot mosaic CMV2K-SSM5x5-NIR sensor. This sensor has 25 pass bands from 600nm to 975nm.
On request we can supply for your device development board level solutions or OEM versions of the hyperspectral cameras. Additional features can be implemented in the camera FPGAs after your specification. Camera solutions with sensors with other filter patterns from IMEC could be developed on request.
These Photonfocus products will be displayed on the LASER PHOTONICS in Munich.