Intel RealSens 3D Sensing

3D-Sensing with EyeVision 3D and Intel RealSense

Intel RealSens 3D Sensing

Intel RealSens 3D Sensing


Jan. 10, 2018

The world of intelligent and interactive systems is undergoing an era of unprecedented innovation and advanced development. Perceptional-Computing as well as devices and machines are increasingly being endowed with the abilities to sense and understand the world, navigate in the environment, and interact with humans in natural ways, are among those technologies. Interfaces based on touch sensing and speech recognition are now ubiquitous, and the race is on to the next frontiers of machine intelligence and interactions based on three-dimensional (3D) sensing.

The recent developments in depth-imaging and 3D computer vision techniques allow efficient and real-time acquisition, reconstruction, and understanding of the 3D environment, which enable an array of life-like and immersive applications.

Emerging trends in this burgeoning field and new enabled applications include for example immersive and interactive gaming, virtual home and office decoration, virtual cloth fitting, video conferencing with custom background and synthetic environment, education and training, and numerous other new entertainment and productivity usages with natural and intuitive interactions.

But the 3D-Sensing is not only important for the entertainment industry. Also the industry can use those solutions efficiently. The contact-less operation of machines by Eye-Tracking as well as gesture and face recognition make a completely new form of consumer goods, security characteristics and industrial solutions possible.

With "Perceptional Computing" machines are equipped with human senses. Intelligent applications are not only used for consumer goods or home robots, but also to equip UAVs or industrial robot arms, which can then pick up and place objects just as a human and also during this movement avoid collisions.

One possibility to apply 3D-sensing to industrial image processing is the combination of EyeVision 3D and the Intel RealSense 3D sensor.

With the image processing software EyeVision 3D sensors can be used to measure, map, locate and reconstruct.

Many applications can be therewith solved. Especially where distances to objects or objects themselves should get measured (in cm or m) to e.g. guide a robot arm to pick and place an object on a conveyor belt.

Additionally an autonomous system can be located and mapped with 3D Vision. And also with the RealSense and EyeVision 3D the environment can be reconstructed. The RealSense technology includes hardware sensor modules for capturing the 3D environment via real-time color and depth (RGB-D) imaging and 3D motion sensing Industrial robots can be guided, to their environment, e.g. on a person, who is moving in the production area and react to avoid the injury risks.

Thanks to Perceptual Computing the natural user experience for the end user is now on a higher level. Vision developer can use the applications quite fast as the technology in the background is fast and powerful.

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